1 Given A System Transfer Function G S 3s 3 2s 2 S S 6 4s 5 3s 4 2s 3 S 2 2s 6 2843530
1. Given a system transfer function G(s) = 3s^3 + 2s^2 + s / s^6 + 4s^5+ 3s^4 + 2s^3 + s^2 + 2s + 6 Determine the steady state response of the system to an excitation: 8sin2t + 15sin3t 2. Construct root loci for (i) s^3 + s^2 + (K+2)s + 3K = 0 (ii) s^4 + 6s^3 + 9s^2 + K(s^2 + 4s + 5) = 0 (iii) s^3 + 5Ks^2 +10 = 0 (iv) s^5 + 2s^4 + 3s^3 +2s^2 + s + K = 0 3. Show that the system with rate feedback in Fig. P6.8a may be reduced to system shown in Fig. P6.8b 4. A linear control system is described by G(s) =10^4(s+1) / s^2 + 110s + 10s^3 (i) obtain Bode magnitude and phase plots (ii) calculate G(s) for w=50 and 1000 rad/s 5. Draw a generic block diagram of a closed loop controls system and describe each of the blocks. Document Preview:
Assignment: Control System Q 1. Q 2. Q 3. Q 4.Assignment: Control System Q 5. Q 6.Assignment: Control System Q 7. Q 8. Q 9.
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